Thursday, February 28, 2013

As budget cuts loom, is government shutdown next?

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Newport News, Va. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

The Capitol plaza is seen as automatic spending cuts are set to take effect on March 1, in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? With big, automatic budget cuts about to kick in, House Republicans are turning to mapping strategy for the next showdown just a month away, when a government shutdown instead of just a slowdown will be at stake.

Both topics are sure to come up at the White House meeting Friday between President Barack Obama and top congressional leaders, including Republican House Speaker John Boehner. A breakthrough on replacing or easing the imminent across-the-board spending cuts still seems unlikely at the first face-to-face discussion between Obama and Republican leaders this year.

To no one's surprise, even as a dysfunctional Washington appears incapable of averting a crisis over economy-rattling spending cuts, it may be lurching toward another over a possible shutdown.

Republicans are planning for a vote next week on a bill to fund the day-to-day operations of the government through the Sept. 30 end of the 2013 fiscal year ? while keeping in place the new $85 billion in cuts of 5 percent to domestic agencies and 8 percent to the military.

The need to keep the government's doors open and lights on ? or else suffer the first government shutdown since 1996 ? requires the GOP-dominated House and the Democratic-controlled Senate to agree. Right now they hardly see eye to eye.

The House GOP plan, unveiled to the rank and file on Wednesday, would award the Pentagon and the Department of Veterans Affairs with their line-by-line budgets, for a more-targeted rather than indiscriminate batch of military cuts, but would deny domestic agencies the same treatment. And that has whipped up opposition from veteran Democratic senators on the Appropriations Committee. Domestic agencies would see their budgets frozen almost exactly as they are, which would mean no money for new initiatives such as cybersecurity or for routine increases for programs such as low-income housing.

"We're not going to do that," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. "Of course not."

Any agreement needs to pass through a gantlet of House tea party conservatives intent on preserving the across-the-board cuts and Senate Democrats pressing for action on domestic initiatives, even at the risk of creating a foot-tall catchall spending bill.

There's also this: GOP leaders have calculated that the automatic cuts arriving on Friday need to be in place in order for them to be able to muster support from conservatives for the catchall spending bill to keep the government running. That's because many staunch conservatives want to preserve the cuts even as defense hawks and others fret about the harm that might do to the military and the economy. If the automatic cuts are dealt with before the government-wide funding bill gets a vote, there could be a conservative revolt.

"The overall sequester levels must hold," said Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif.

Little to no progress has been made so far between House and Senate leaders and the White House, and given the hard feelings engulfing Washington, there's no guarantee that this problem can be solved, even though the stakes ? a shutdown of non-essential government programs after March 27 ? carry more risk than the across-the-board cuts looming on Friday.

The funding plan for the rest of the fiscal year will be a main topic at the White House meeting on Friday, the March 1 deadline day for averting the across-the-board cuts.

Obama, speaking to a group of business executives Wednesday night, said the cuts would be a "tumble downward" for the economy, though he acknowledged it could takes weeks before many Americans feel the full impact of the budget shrinking.

The warring sides in Washington have spent this week assigning blame rather than seeking a bipartisan way out. In a glimpse of the state of debate on Wednesday, Republicans and the White House bickered over whether the cuts would be under way by the time Friday's meeting started. A spokesman for Boehner said they would be in place; the White House countered that Obama would in fact have until midnight Friday to set them in motion.

The cumbersome annual ritual of passing annual agency spending bills collapsed entirely last year ? not a single one of the 12 annual appropriations bills for the budget year that began back in October has passed Congress ? and Congress has to act by March 27 to prevent a partial shutdown of the government.

By freezing budgets for domestic agencies, the Republican plan would deny an increase for a big cybersecurity initiative, additional money to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal and money to build new Coast Guard cutters. GOP initiatives such as more money for the Small Business Administration or fossil fuels research would be hurt as well, but there's little appetite for the alternative, which is to stack more than $1 trillion worth of spending bills together for a single up-or-down vote.

But the GOP move to add the line-by-line spending bills for the Pentagon and veterans' programs to the catchall spending bill would give the military much-sought increases for force readiness and the Veterans Administration additional funding for health care.

That approach has few fans in the White House, which is seeking money to implement Obama's signature efforts to overhaul financial regulation and the nation's health care system, or within the Democratic Senate, where members of the Appropriations Committee want to add a stack of bills covering domestic priorities such as homeland security, NASA and federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI.

"You need balance," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. "We feel as strongly about the domestic side as we do defense."

The catchall spending measure, known as a continuing resolution or CR inside Washington, was originally seen as a potential must-pass measure to avert Friday's cuts or make them less severe. But no serious talks to avert the cuts have been under way.

On Thursday, Democrats will force a vote on a measure that would forestall the automatic cuts through the end of the year, replacing them with longer-term cuts to the Pentagon and cash payments to farmers and installing a minimum 30 percent tax rate on income exceeding $1 million. But that plan is virtually certain to be toppled by a GOP-led filibuster vote.

Republicans in turn are considering offering a measure that would give Obama authority to propose a rewrite to the 2013 budget to redistribute the cuts. Obama would be unable to cut defense by more than the $43 billion reduction that the Pentagon currently faces, and would also be unable to raise taxes to undo the cuts. The GOP plan would allow a resulting Obama proposal to go into effect unless Congress passed a resolution to overturn it.

The idea is that money could be transferred from lower-priority accounts to accounts funding air traffic control or meat inspection. But the White House says that such moves would offer only slight relief. At the same time, however, it could take pressure off of Congress to address the sequester.

In the House, where Republicans in the past Congress passed legislation to replace the cuts, Boehner has said it's now up to Obama and the Senate to figure a way out. The Senate never took up the House-passed bills, which expired when the new Congress was seated in January.

Associated Press


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Microsoft's Office 365 subscription service is now available for businesses

Back when Microsoft released its Office 365 subscription service for home users, it said the business version would be arriving on February 27th. Sure enough, today's the 27th, and Microsoft's issued a press release explaining the pricing for Office 365 ProPlus, Midsize Business and Small Business Premium.

At the least expensive end of the spectrum is ProPlus, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, InfoPath and Access. Like the Home Premium version of Office 365, a user can install the software on up to five devices, though IT controls are of course more of selling point here than they are on the consumer version. That costs $144 per user for a one-year subscription.

Moving on, the medium-sized-business sku costs $180 per user per year, and adds Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online and a few IT tools. It, too, is based on the same five-device-per-user model as ProPlus. As for the small business version, you get all the basic Office apps, plus email, shared calendars, website tools and videoconferencing. Pricing there is $150 per user per year. Sorry, though, no dice on the five-device, ProPlus thing -- that's not included in the small biz version.

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Source: Microsoft


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

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White House calls for wider access to research


The White House directive seeks to make federally funded research easier to get to.

By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News

Responding to calls for more open access to publicly supported research, the White House has directed a wide range of federal agencies to come up with plans to make the studies they fund freely available within 12 months of publication.

In a memo issued Friday, White House science adviser John Holdren also called on agencies to develop better digital systems for managing research data. The memo comes in response to a "We the People" online petition that was created last May and has since garnered more than 65,000 signatures.

The debate over access to federally funded studies has been simmering for years. Some in the scientific community have argued that such studies should be made freely and publicly available immediately because taxpayers have footed the bill for the research. Others have voiced concern that a government requirement to distribute the studies at no cost would deal a blow to the scientific publishing industry.

"We wanted to strike?the balance between the extraordinary public benefit of increasing public access to the results of federally-funded scientific research and the need to ensure that the valuable contributions that the scientific publishing industry provides are not lost," Holdren wrote in his response to the online petition. "This policy reflects that balance, and it also provides the flexibility to make changes in the future based on experience and evidence."

Policy changes required
The 12-month deadline for open access applies only to agencies that spend more than $100 million a year on research and development. The National Institutes of Health have already been following that policy, but now other agencies such as the Defense Department, the Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and the National Science Foundation will as well. Exemptions to the policy may be made for national security or legal reasons.

"Full public access will require changes in policies, procedures and practices from the many stakeholders who participate in NSF's broad research portfolio spanning all scientific and engineering disciplines," NSF Director Subra Suresh said in a statement. "We stand with our federal science colleagues, as well as our non-governmental partners, to collaborate in accomplishing this transition on behalf of science and our nation's future."

A bill currently under consideration in Congress ??known as the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act, or FASTR?? would set a six-month time limit for providing free online public access to published research. However, the prospects for passage of that bill are uncertain. The Public Library of Science, a non-profit organization that has pioneered the open-access concept with such journals as PLOS ONE, hailed Friday's White House directive but said "we now need to take the next step and make open access the law of the land, not just the preference of the president."

One of PLOS' founders, biologist Michael Eisen of the University of California at Berkeley, delivered a sharper response in a Twitter comment: "That anyone is celebrating 12-month embargoes with no reuse rights to publicly funded research just shows how much further there is to go." He called the White House directive a "massive sellout of public interest to publishers."

The publishers of some of the best-known scientific publications, such as Science and Nature, make most of their money from institutions and individuals who purchase access to the published articles, one way or another. Open-access journals, in contrast, may?charge researchers a fee to publish their studies, and then make the studies freely available online. Alternatively, they may receive subsidies from institutions, or take contributions, or earn revenue from advertising and premium products.

The case of Aaron Swartz
The open-access debate figured in the controversial case of Internet activist Aaron Swartz, who faced federal felony charges for surreptitiously downloading more than 4 million academic papers from a controlled-access database at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2011 with the intent of making them freely available. If Swartz went to trial and was convicted, he could have been sentenced to more than 30 years in prison and fined as much as $1 million. But Swartz never went to trial. He committed suicide last month at the age of 26.

Swartz's death touched off a series of protests, as well as calls to reform the law under which Swartz was prosecuted. A piece of proposed legislation known as "Aaron's Law" seeks to decriminalize the kinds of terms-of-service violations that Swartz was alleged to have committed. ?At a memorial for Swartz held this month in Washington, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said he backed legislative reforms and declared that access to information is a "human right."

More about scientific publishing:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Pistorius' brother facing culpable homicide charge

AAA??Feb. 24, 2013?3:49 AM ET
Pistorius' brother facing culpable homicide charge

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' father Henke Pistorius, right, with his son Carl watch as Oscar Pistorius walks in during his bail hearing at the magistrate court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' father Henke Pistorius, right, with his son Carl watch as Oscar Pistorius walks in during his bail hearing at the magistrate court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Olympian Oscar Pistorius, foreground, stands following his bail hearing, as his brother Carl, left, and father Henke, second from left, look on in Pretoria, South Africa, Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013. Pistorius fired into the door of a small bathroom where his girlfriend was cowering after a shouting match on Valentine's Day, hitting her three times, a South African prosecutor said Tuesday as he charged the sports icon with premeditated murder. The magistrate ruled that Pistorius faces the harshest bail requirements available in South African law. (AP Photo)

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius's brother Carl Pistorius looks on after his bail application appearance at the magistrate court in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. Pistorius was formally charged at Pretoria Magistrate?s Court with one count of murder after his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, a model and budding reality TV show participant, was shot multiple times and killed at Pistorius' upmarket home in the predawn hours of Thursday. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

FILE - This Nov. 4, 2012 file photo shows Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steenkamp at an awards ceremony in Johannesburg, South Africa. Far from the courtroom drama that has gripped South Africa, the family of Pistorius' slain girlfriend, Steenkamp, has struggled with its own private deluge of grief, frustration and bewilderment. The victim's relatives also harbor misgivings about efforts by the Olympian's family to reach out to them with condolences. Pistorius, meanwhile, spent Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013 at his uncle's home in an affluent suburb of Pretoria, the South African capital, after a judge released him on bail. (AP Photo/City Press, Lucky Nxumalo) SOUTH AFRICA OUT

JOHANNESBURG (AP) ? The family lawyer of Oscar Pistorius says the brother of the Olympic paraplegic athlete is facing culpable homicide charge in a 2010 road death.

Laywer Kenny Oldwage would not confirm details of the case Carl Pistorius is facing, but Sunday's development is compounding the problems for the family after Oscar was charged with premeditated murder in the Feb. 14 shooting death of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Local media reported that Carl Pistorius was allegedly involved in a crash with a woman motorcyclist and that he was to face trial last Thursday, as his brother Oscar was facing a bail hearing.

Oscar Pistorius was released on bail Friday and his brother Carl was seen driving into the affluent villa of their uncle Arnold early Sunday, where Oscar is staying while on bail.

Associated Press


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The Daily Roundup for 02.22.2013

DNP The Daily RoundUp

You might say the day is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workday, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Daily Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 24 hours -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.



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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Insert Coin Semifinalist: Make a Play is a high-tech puppet stage

Insert Coin Semifinalist Make a Play

The students at ITP are constantly churning out creative projects that are unafraid to walk the fine line between art and tech. So its no wonder that Gal Sasson's Make a Play wound up as one of the semi-finalists in our Insert Coin: New Challengers competition. It doesn't hurt that the concept also combines two of our greatest loves here at Engadget: toys and Arduino. The name, it turns out, is actually quite descriptive. The microcontroller-driven stage allows anyone to quickly create a piece of miniature theater using handcrafted puppets and an impressive selection of buttons, knobs and switches -- all lovingly handcrafted out of wood on this prototype. The control panel can move the actors using two motorized carts, cue lighting, playback voice recordings and even activate special electronics embedded in the puppets, such as LED eyes in the demo video after the break. Any action can be recorded and fed to a companion computer program, where tweaks can can be made to the automation. Honestly, sounds like the sort of thing we wish we had a as kids.

Check out the full list of Insert Coin: New Challengers semifinalists here -- and don't forget to pick a winner!

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Last edited by Meleniumshane90; Today at 08:57 PM.


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Winfrey, 'Beasts' actress honored at Essence lunch

Actress and Academy Award nominee Quvenzhane Wallis, recipient of the Breakthrough Performance award, poses at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Actress and Academy Award nominee Quvenzhane Wallis, recipient of the Breakthrough Performance award, poses at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Oprah Winfrey, recipient of the Power Award, reacts to photographers at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Actress Gabrielle Union, recipient of the Fierce & Fearless award, poses at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

British actress Naomie Harris, recipient of the Lincoln Shining Star award, poses at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Producer Mara Brock Akil, recipient of the Visionary Award, poses at the 6th Annual Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

(AP) ? Nine-year-old Oscar nominee Quvenzhane Wallis toted a plush, dog-shaped purse with jeweled handles as she rubbed shoulders with Oprah Winfrey and Alfre Woodard.

The star of best-picture contender "Beasts of the Southern Wild" was among the honorees Thursday at Essence magazine's sixth annual Black Women in Hollywood awards luncheon.

Standing on a step so she could speak at the podium, Quvenzhane thanked God, "Beasts" director Behn Zeitlin and "my baby sitter that was on set."

Quvenzhane is the youngest best-actress nominee in Oscar history and one of only 10 African-Americans ever recognized in the category.

Winfrey was teary-eyed as she took the stage after being introduced by the graduating class of her namesake Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa.

"I am humbled by this day," she said. "There's nothing better than being honored by your own."

Essence President Michelle Ebanks said the afternoon's honorees "are changing the very definition of power" with their presence in Hollywood.

Woodard said she always recognized herself in the pages of Essence and recalled that when she and actresses C.C.H. Pounder and Loretta Devine first arrived in Hollywood, "they didn't know what to do with (us)."

"We were young and gifted and looking way the hell black," Woodard said. "And we still have our original noses!"

Actress Gabrielle Union moved the audience as she accepted the Fierce & Fearless award. Union said she had long pretended to be fierce and fearless but actually reveled in gossip and "took joy in people's pain and tap-danced on their misery." She said she posed for photos in such a way to "minimize my blackness" and didn't speak out against racism in school or in Hollywood when she was younger.

"Real fearless and fierce women admit mistakes and work to correct them," she said. "We stand up and we use our voices for things other than self-promotion. We don't stand by and let racism and sexism and homophobia run rampant on our watch. Real fierce and fearless women celebrate and compliment other women and we recognize and embrace the notion that their shine in no way diminishes our light, and actually makes our light shine brighter."

Actress Naomie Harris, who plays Eve Moneypenny in "Skyfall," was among those touched by Union's words.

"I'm in the place you were," Harris said as she accepted the Shining Star award. "I feel as though I have traveled thousands of miles to actually listen to that speech, to learn, to be inspired and to be reminded of who I am."

Writer-producer Mara Brock-Akil cried throughout her acceptance speech, saying, "All I ever wanted to do was tell our story."

Other stars attending the luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel included Blair Underwood, Laila Ali, Star Jones, Jill Scott and Tracee Ellis Ross.

Grammy-winning singer Miguel performed his winning hit, "Adorn," and rapper-actor Common did an impromptu freestyle during a brief technical difficulty, working the names of the six honorees into a quick rap.


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen can be reached at .



Associated Press


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Wal-Mart outlook gives glimpse of economy

NEW YORK (AP) ? As the fortunes of many Americans go, so goes Wal-Mart, so goes the economy.

Even as the world's largest retailer on Thursday reported an 8.6 percent rise in fourth quarter profit during the busy holiday shopping season, it offered a weaker forecast for the coming months. The problem? The poor and middle-class Americans Wal-Mart caters to ? and who are big drivers of spending in the U.S. ? are struggling with rising gas prices, delayed income tax refunds and higher payroll taxes.

Melanie M. Burkhardt, a mother of two teenagers who shops at Wal-Mart, is one of those people. Burkhardt, a Waycross, Ga., resident, said she's been hit with a double whammy: the payroll tax hike, which has cut her household monthly income by $260, and higher gas prices.

"We had to do a flip on our budget," said Burkhardt, a legal assistant who plans to cut back on her trips to Wal-Mart. "This is money we used for things like going to a movie or splurging at Olive Garden. Not anymore."

It's widely known that Americans in the lower income brackets continue to struggle even as higher earners benefit from improved housing and stock markets, but Wal-Mart's results signal that matters may be getting worse for the nation's poor and middle-class. Wal-Mart is the latest in a string of big-name companies from Burger King to Zale to say those Americans are being squeezed by new challenges. But since Wal-Mart accounts for nearly 10 percent of nonautomotive retail spending in the U.S., it is a bellwether for the economy.

"Wal-Mart moms are the barometer of the U.S. household," said Brian Sozzi, chief equities analyst at NBG Productions who follows Wal-Mart. "Right now, they're afraid of higher taxes and inflation."

Indeed, while wealthier households have seen their stock portfolios grow, poor and middle-class Americans have struggled to regain their financial footing since the recession ended more than 3 ? years ago.

Stocks have roughly doubled since June 2009. Dividends and capital gains from stocks, which disproportionately benefit higher-income Americans, are taxed at lower rates compared with ordinary income

And while incomes for most Americans have failed to keep pace with inflation since the recession, that's been particularly true for middle and lower-income earners.

Median household income, adjusted for inflation, fell 1.5 percent to $50,054 in 2011 compared with 2010, the latest periods for which figures are available, according to the Census Bureau. That was down 8.1 percent from 2007, just before the recession began. (The median is the point halfway between the highest and lowest levels.)

But lower and middle-income households fared worse: The share of overall income earned by the bottom 80 percent of households shrank in 2011, while the income for the top 20 percent grew. And in 2012, inflation-adjusted hourly pay barely rose, inching up 0.3 percent.

Another hurdle for lower- and middle-income Americans has been the jump in gas prices since mid-January. The average price for a gallon of gas rose 47 cents in the past month to $3.78 on Thursday, according to AAA.

Tax changes also have hit the nation's lowest earners especially hard. On Jan. 1, Social Security payroll taxes rose 2 percentage points after a temporary tax cut expired. That sliced about $1,000 from the take-home pay of a household earning $50,000. Since the Social Security tax is levied against income only up to $114,000, it disproportionately affects middle- and lower-income households.

An even larger challenge for many lower-income Americans has been the government's delay in processing income taxes and paying refunds. That's because income tax rates weren't set until a last-minute deal between the White House and Congress on Jan. 1. So the IRS pushed back the start of tax-filing season to Jan. 30, two weeks later than usual.

As a result, by Feb. 14 the government had paid only $55 billion in refunds, down from $77 billion at the same time last year, according to an estimate by UBS. That drop of $22 billion is more than twice the impact of the higher payroll tax. Refunds have accelerated recently and will eventually be paid out, but the impact still can be felt by many taxpayers: About 78 percent of taxpayers receive refunds, and the figure rises to 82 percent for those reporting income below $50,000.

Wal-Mart, based in Bentonville, Ark., said while its business has been volatile since December, the month of February, in particular, has been "slower than planned" largely due to the tax refund delay. The company said that resulted in Wal-Mart customers cashing about $1.7 billion in income tax refunds year to date, compared with $3 billion for the same period a year ago.

Bill Simon, president of Wal-Mart's U.S. namesake division, said shoppers used their refund money last year to buy TVs ahead of the Super Bowl. This year, the retailer said it isn't sure how customers will use the additional money when they get it, but some analysts say the most likely scenario is that they'll save it.

Wal-Mart said it's also unclear how the payroll tax will affect customers' spending habits, although Simon said shoppers are "talking about it." JP Morgan estimates that the payroll tax increase will equate to $70 a month less in take home pay for Wal-Mart shoppers, assuming an average annual income of $42,500. As a result, Wal-Mart is offering smaller packaging and less expensive products.

Wal-Mart earned $5.6 billion, or $1.67 per share, during the fourth quarter that ended Jan. 31, up from $5.16 billion, or $1.50 per share, a year earlier. Results were helped by a lower tax rate, which was 27.7 percent, compared with the rate of 30.9 percent a year ago. Net sales rose 3.9 percent to $127.1 billion.

Earnings topped Wall Street estimates of $1.57 per share, but sales fell short of the $127.8 billion analysts were expecting.

During the current quarter, Wal-Mart says it expects earnings to range from $1.11 to $1.16 per share, below the $1.18 per share analysts polled by FactSet are expecting. For its namesake U.S. business, Wal-Mart expects first-quarter revenue at stores open at least a year, a measure of a retailer's health, to be unchanged from a year ago. The pace of revenue growth has slowed in recent quarters, and some analysts believe Wal-Mart's forecast could be too optimistic.

For the year, Wal-Mart expects earnings of between $5.20 and $5.40 per share, while analysts expect $5.38 per share.

Despite the subdued forecast, investors were bracing for a weaker report after Bloomberg published a story Friday that leaked an email from an executive characterizing the first two weeks of February as "a total disaster." Shares fell that day, but investors appeared to be relieved on Thursday that Wal-Mart's outlook wasn't worse. Shares rose about 1 percent, or $1.05 per share, on Thursday to close at $70.26.


D'Innocenzio reported from New York. Rugaber reported from Washington, D.C.


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Sunlight yields more efficient carbon dioxide to methanol model

Feb. 20, 2013 ? Researchers from The University of Texas at Arlington are pioneering a new method for using carbon dioxide, or CO2, to make liquid methanol fuel by using copper oxide nanowires and sunlight.

The process is safer, simpler and less expensive than previous methods to convert the greenhouse gas associated with climate change to a useful product, said Krishnan Rajeshwar, interim associate vice president for research at UT Arlington and one of the authors of a paper recently published in the journal Chemical Communications. Researchers began by coating the walls of copper oxide, CuO, nanorods with crystallites made from another form of copper oxide, Cu2O. In the lab, they submerged those rods in a water-based solution rich in CO2. Irradiating the combination with simulated sunlight created a photoelectrochemical reduction of the CO2 and that produced methanol.

In contrast, current methods require the use of a co-catalyst and must be conducted at high operating pressures and temperatures. Many also use toxic elements, such as cadmium, or rare elements, such as tellurium, Rajeshwar said.

"As long as we are using fossil fuels, we'll have the question of what to do with the carbon dioxide," said Rajeshwar, a distinguished professor of chemistry and biochemistry and co-founder of the Center for Renewable Energy, Science & Technology, CREST, at UT Arlington. "An attractive option would be to convert greenhouse gases to liquid fuel. That's the value-added option."

Co-authors on the recently published paper, "Efficient solar photoelectrosynthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide using hybrid CuO-Cu2O semiconductor nanorod arrays," are Ghazaleh Ghadimkhani, Norma Tacconi, Wilaiwan Chanmanee and Csaba Janaky, all of the UT Arlington College of Science's Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and CREST. Janaky also has a permanent appointment at the University of Szeged in Hungary.

Rajeshwar said he hopes that others will build on the research involving copper oxide nanotubes, CO2 and sunlight.

"Addressing tomorrow's energy needs and finding ways to stem the harmful effect of greenhouse gases are areas where UT Arlington scientists can connect their work to real-world problems," said Carolyn Cason, vice president for research at the University. "We hope solutions in the lab are only the beginning."

In addition to the journal, the new work also was featured in a recent edition of Chemical and Engineering News. That piece noted that the experiments generated methanol with 95 percent electrochemical efficiency and avoided the excess energy input, also known as overpotential, of other methods.

Tacconi, a recently retired research associate professor at UT Arlington, said the two types of copper oxide were selected because both are photo active and they have complementary solar light absorption. "And what could be better in Texas than to use the sunlight for methanol generation from carbon dioxide?"

Other than fuel, methanol is used in a wide variety of chemical processes, including the manufacturing of plastics, adhesives and solvents as well as wastewater treatment. In the United States, there are 18 methanol production plants with a cumulative annual capacity of more than 2.6 billion gallons, according to the paper.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Arlington.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ghazaleh Ghadimkhani, Norma R. de Tacconi, Wilaiwan Chanmanee, Csaba Janaky, Krishnan Rajeshwar. Efficient solar photoelectrosynthesis of methanol from carbon dioxide using hybrid CuO?Cu2O semiconductor nanorod arrays. Chemical Communications, 2013; 49 (13): 1297 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC38068D

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Gov't already downsizing amid GOP demands for cuts

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republicans and other fiscal conservatives keep insisting on more federal austerity and a smaller government. Without much fanfare or acknowledgement, they've already gotten much of both.

Spending by federal, state and local governments on payrolls, equipment, buildings, teachers, emergency workers, defense programs and other core governmental functions has been shrinking steadily since the deep 2007-2009 recession and as the anemic recovery continues.

This recent shrinkage has largely been obscured by an increase in spending on benefit payments to individuals under "entitlement" programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans benefits. Retiring baby boomers are driving much of this increase.

Another round of huge cuts ? known in Washington parlance as the "sequester" ? will hit beginning March 1, potentially meaning layoffs for hundreds of thousands of federal workers unless Congress and President Barack Obama can strike a deficit-reduction deal to avert them.

With the deadline only a week off, Obama and Republicans who control the House are far apart over how to resolve the deadlock. While last-minute budget deals are frequent in Washington, neither side is optimistic of reaching one this time.

Even as the private sector has been slowly adding jobs, governments have been shedding them, holding down overall employment gains and keeping the jobless rate close to 8 percent, compared with normal non-recessionary levels of 5 to 6 percent that have prevailed since the 1950s.

"It's a massive drag on the economy. We lost three-quarter million public-sector jobs in the recovery," said economist Heidi Shierholz of the labor-friendly Economic Policy Institute. "We're still losing government jobs, although the pace has slowed. But we haven't turned around yet."

A larger-than-usual decline in federal spending, notably on defense programs, helped push the economy into negative territory in the final three months of 2012. Economic growth, meanwhile, has been inching along at a weak 1-2 percent ? not enough to significantly further drive down the national unemployment rate, which now stands at 7.9 percent.

Although federal spending is projected to decline from 22.8 percent of the gross domestic product recorded last year to 21.5 percent by 2017, it still will exceed the 40-year-average of 21.0 percent, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Spending peaked at 25.2 percent of GDP in 2009.

The budget office also said the economy is roughly 5.5 percent smaller than it would have been had there been no recession.

The Defense Department already has made deep spending cuts, and outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said 800,000 civilian Pentagon employees were notified this week they likely are to be placed on periods of unpaid leave due to lawmakers' failure to act.

The recent downsizing in government is most pronounced at the state and local levels. Most states have constitutional or statutory requirements for balanced budgets.

That means nearly all states are prohibited from running budget deficits, while the federal government is not.

Not only can the federal government run deficits, but it can print money ? through actions by the Federal Reserve ? something states are prohibited from doing.

Those calling for a smaller government mostly don't take notice of the wave of recent cutbacks. Their clarion call remains Ronald Reagan's mantra: Government doesn't solve problems, it is the problem.

"This spending issue is the biggest issue that threatens our future," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, says. "When are we going to get serious about our long-term spending problem?"

And Florida Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, delivering the GOP response to Obama's State of the Union address, said "a major cause of our recent downturn was a housing crisis created by reckless government policies."

Soaring recent government deficits are partially a side effect of the worst recession since the 1930s, which took a huge bite out of tax revenues at the same time spending increased on recession-fighting programs like unemployment compensation and stimulus measures under both Presidents George W. Bush and Obama.

"The problem going forward is one of demographics and rising health care. It is the baby boom generation retiring," said Alice Rivlin, a White House budget director under President Bill Clinton. "It's the fact that everybody is living longer."

Republicans argue that entitlement programs should be on the cutting board as well as other government programs. Democrats generally have been more protective of them, although the president and many congressional Democrats acknowledge some paring of these popular programs is in order.

The federal budget deficit for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30 is estimated to be $845 billion ? the first time it's dropped below $1 trillion in five years. But it's on track to rise again as more and more baby boomers retire and qualify for federal benefits and as interest payments on the national debt keep going up.

The national debt first inched past $1 trillion early in the Reagan administration and has grown in leaps and bounds ever since through both Democratic and Republican presidencies. It now stands at $16.6 trillion and is on a path toward soon becoming unsustainable, both parties agree.

Unchecked, entitlement payments will add roughly $700 billion to the debt over the next four years.

For now, though, "the economy is continuing to heal from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression," top White House economic adviser Alan Krueger says.

Under the sequester law, roughly $85 billion in federal spending would be slashed in the remaining seven months of this fiscal year and a total of $1.2 trillion in cuts over 10 years.

While entitlement programs and uniformed military personnel would be exempt, the rest of the government would be hit with indiscriminate across-the-board cuts.

Obama wants government deficits trimmed through a mix of selective spending cuts and new tax revenues, mostly by ending deductions and tax credits frequently claimed by the wealthiest Americans.

Republicans oppose any new taxes, even if for closing loopholes rather than increasing rates.

The looming spending cuts were first scheduled to take effect on Jan. 1. But they were postponed to March 1 as part of year-end "fiscal cliff" negotiations that also raised tax rates on affluent Americans. Republicans insist that's enough tax increasing for now.


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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

RPT-India cracks down on taxation of transfers within foreign firms

MUMBAI, Feb 18 (Reuters) - India is aggressively pursuing

tax claims against multinational firms operating in the country

as the government seeks to rein in its budget deficit, taking

particular aim at IT and back-office functions, tax officials


It has targeted several multinational companies in recent

years for tax audits on transfer-pricing, but over the past 12

months has widened the scope of the investigations, tax

officials said.

Authorities are now checking deals involving more than three

dozen companies, focusing on transactions worth at least 250

million rupees ($4.7 million), officials said. Having just

issued claims for the financial year to March 2009, it has

shifted focus to 2009/2010.

Transfer pricing is the value at which companies trade

products, services or assets between units across borders, a

regular part of doing business for a multinational.

Revenue authorities in many countries including Britain,

France, Germany and the United States are increasingly

challenging efforts of companies to minimise tax liabilities by

moving taxable income from higher-taxing jurisdictions to

lower-tax ones.

In India's case, critics worry overly aggressive tax

authorities could undermine foreign investment although tax

officials say they have been working overtime as Finance

Minister P. Chidambaram looks to make up a revenue shortfall and

head off the threat of a credit rating downgrade.

"On some days we had to work through the night to meet the

deadline," said one official. "There are so many cases that are

coming to us but we don't have an adequate number of people."

At least 1,500 transfer pricing disputes were in litigation

in India as of February 2011, compared with fewer than six in

the United States and none in Taiwan or Singapore, an Ernst &

Young survey showed in August 2012. Still, Western campaigners

say BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China - are

tougher on corporate tax avoidance than developed countries.

One company in the cross hairs, Anglo-Dutch oil major Royal

Dutch Shell, said earlier this month it would challenge

a claim its local unit underpriced shares transferred to the

parent by $2.8 billion. Shell said the claim is based on an

"incorrect interpretation" of tax rules and "bad in law".

Shell said its India unit issued 870 million shares to

parent Shell Gas BV at 10 rupees apiece in 2009 but that tax

authorities valued them at 183 rupees each.

Effectively, India is demanding the tax on the interest

Shell would have earned on the $2.8 billion, in the largest ever

claim in an Indian transfer pricing case, tax officials said.

South Korea's LG Electronics Inc, Singapore

property group Ascendas, French IT services firm Capgemini

and chocolate maker Cadbury, are among numerous global

companies involved in transfer pricing disputes in India,

documents at the tax department's appellate tribunal show. These

companies have challenged the tax department's orders.

In information technology and business process outsourcing

(BPO), the tax department believes many firms are taking

advantage of low costs in India to develop high-end, patented

services or products that are sent to overseas parent firms as

low-value routine work, the tax officials said.

These sectors are expected to account for more than half the

total claims in transfer pricing deals in the fiscal year

2008/09, one of the officials said, up from about one-third


Outsourcing makes up more than $100 billion of India's

economy with companies such as Accenture, Bank of

America Merrill Lynch, and Microsoft Corp

employing thousands in functions such as customer service, risk

and fraud management and finance and accounting.

A spokeswoman for the National Association of Software and

Services Companies said the Indian outsourcing lobby group was

concerned tax authorities have been making "inconsistent and

very aggressive adjustments."


Because valuing an internal transaction is often a matter of

opinion and assumption of future growth, companies and tax

authorities can arrive at widely divergent views on their value.

"Some of their decisions on valuations are very arbitrary

and obviously may not be sustainable at higher appellate

levels," said Sanjay Tolia, partner for transfer pricing at

Price Waterhouse & Co in Mumbai.

In LG Electronics' case, tribunal documents show the

company's Indian unit was deemed to be promoting the LG brand

owned by its parent, which should have compensated the local

unit, thereby generating taxable income. Authorities claim the

excess expenditure amounted to a transfer pricing adjustment of

1.61 billion rupees.

Earlier this month, British-based mobile phone giant

Vodafone Group Plc said it had received a fresh transfer

pricing order in India over the issue of shares by a unit,

adding to its tax woes in the country. India's tax office says

the Vodafone unit under-priced shares issued to a

Mauritius-based group company by nearly 13 billion rupees ($244

million), ET NOW TV station reported recently. Vodafone said it

would challenge the order.

Vodafone is already fighting a transfer pricing case in the

Bombay High Court that involves a $1.6 billion disagreement, a

person with direct knowledge of the matter said. The company

declined to comment.

India is also trying to claim more than $2 billion in tax

stemming from Vodafone's 2007 acquisition of an Indian mobile

company from Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa Ltd.

Vodafone says share subscriptions are not covered by either

Indian or international rules on transfer pricing so the latest

order had "no basis in law".

Tax officials say that while shares are not taxable, the

department is increasingly clamping down on under-priced share

deals on the premise that it is losing out on taxing the

interest that the adjusted amount would have earned.

Still, consultants say the department's argument would not

stand the test of law.

Cadbury said it has challenged a ruling made against it for

2007-08 and that India's income tax tribunal had granted a stay

on the demand upon payment of less than 10 percent of the


The income tax department argues the local unit overpaid its

parent for brand royalty and service fees, thereby lowering its

profit in India and resulting in a lower tax obligation.

"It is not uncommon that the income tax department and a tax

payer have a difference of opinion on the interpretation of tax

laws," Cadbury said in a statement to Reuters.

Ascendas and Capgemini also declined to comment.

The average corporate tax rate in Asia in 2013 is 22.89

percent while in Europe it is 20.49 percent, compared with 32.45

percent in India, KPMG says.


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What You're Entitled To After Being Hurt On The Job ... - Careerealism

Hurt On The JobSimply put, workers? compensation is a type of legally mandated insurance that covers employees who are hurt on the job. It?s generally paid for by employers, and the funds and recovery process are then administered by specialized entities. Due to the scale of workers? compensation programs, the impact on public health organizations is high.

Each state has its own workers? compensation laws and entities (to find the appropriate office for your state, click here), but they generally require any business that has employees to purchase appropriate coverage or otherwise contribute to a workers? compensation fund.

In some states, small companies or companies in certain industries may be exempt from the workers? compensation requirements. Employers in industries involving manual labor, however, are almost always required to purchase workers? compensation insurance.

Participation in a workers? compensation program is often described as a substitute for the ability to sue an employer for negligence. That is, absent workers? compensation laws and programs, an injured employee might be able to sue an employer for maintaining an unsafe workplace or issuing unsafe instructions.

Instead, under workers? compensation programs, injured employees are entitled to apply for limited benefits that are less speculative than a lawsuit would be. If an employer?s conduct is particularly reckless or is intentionally harmful, however, the right to sue generally remains.

Compensation varies by state, and workers? compensation typically covers medical expenses as well as lost wages (at a percentage of your usual wage). In addition, other benefits, such as rehabilitation or retraining, may be available. If an injury didn?t happen ?in the course of employment,? however (i.e. at work or during work-related activities), that injury generally is not covered.

Moreover, injuries incurred when an individual is working while intoxicated or acting independently are not covered; for example: If employees get into a fight and one is injured, workers? compensation generally is not available to the injured party.

As a public health matter, workers? compensation raises interesting concerns. Based on data available from 2000, more than 15 percent of states received ?F? grades regarding the performance of their workers? compensation programs from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, indicating that there is quite a lot of room for states at an organizational level to improve on coverage of injured employees.

Moreover, the amounts involved are staggering. Nationwide, in 2010, over $50 billion in benefits were paid out. Of this, nearly 50 percent were for medical benefits, which in 1970 were only 30 percent of the total payout. Rising health care costs are expected to account for an increasing share of payouts in the coming years, as well.

As the workforce grows and changes, public health professionals would also be well-served to stay abreast of the injuries that are typical to professions that are increasing in popularity; for example: If office work continues to become more and more common, claims for lower back injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome should be expected to increase correspondingly.

For that reason, studies pursued and educational materials crafted by public health agencies should be tailored to reflect injuries that are common to the workforce as it evolves.

In addition, any efficiencies that can be introduced into the workers? compensation program, whether at the employee end, the health care provider end or the various organizational ends, will have tremendous impact due to the number of people affected by workers? compensation issues. With over 100,000,000 people currently covered, workers? compensation is a matter of great public health concern.

This article was written by Social Media Outreach Coordinator, Sarah Fudin on behalf of CAREEREALISM-Approved Partner, 2U Inc ? an education-technology company that partners with institutions of higher education such as the George Washington University to deliver their online MPH degree.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock


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