Monday, April 8, 2013

Writing And Reading.error - C And C++ | Dream.In.Code

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    4 Replies - 60 Views - Last Post: Today, 01:48 PM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 man silence ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Today, 12:38 PM

    in my program /i want to save employees data /using fstream as file employees.txt
    and reading the data from the file of employees.txt to choosing the number of employees whose salaries are over (12000)
    any one can help me to add this im my prgram.
    I tried to do it in more ways than one, but there are many errors,I do not know what way
    Is there a good way ?
#include<iostream> #include <vector> #include <fstream>   std::ofstream outfile;  struct employee                   //ahmed.ha.hnd {     char name[20];     float  salary;     int birthday;     char sex [10]; };   int main() {"employees.txt");                   employee emp[100];      {         int n;                std::cout << "A program for collecting employee information";         std::cout << std::endl;         std::cout << "And displaying the collected information";         std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;         std::cout << "How many employees:";         std::cin >> n;         std::cout << std::endl;         std::cout << "Enter the following information:"<<std::endl;         std::cout << std::endl;              for(int i=0; i<n; i++)         {             std::cout << "Enter information for employee no: " << i<< std::endl;             std::cout << "=================================" << std::endl;             std::cout<<"Enter the Employee name :" ;std::cin>>emp[i].name;             std::cout<<"Enter the salary :";std::cin>>emp[i].salary;             std::cout<<"Enter the birthday :";std::cin>>emp[i].birthday ;             std::cout<<"Enter the sex :";std::cin>>emp[i].sex;             std::cout<<std::endl;             }           {             employee temp;             for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)             {                 for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++)                 {                     if(emp[i].salary<emp[j].salary)                     {                         temp=emp[i];                         emp[i]=emp[j];                         emp[j]=temp;                     }                 }             }                   std::cout << "Employee entered information:"<< std::endl;                 std::cout << "============================" << std::endl;                 std::cout << "Name  salary birthday   Sex       " << std::endl;               for(i = 0; i < n; i++)             {                         std::cout << emp[i].name                << "\t";                         std::cout << emp[i].salary << "\t";                         std::cout << emp[i].birthday; std::cout << "\t";                         std::cout << emp[i].sex    ;                         std::cout << std::endl;                            }               int highest_salary=0;              int total_salary=0;              for(i = 0; i < n; i++)             {                 if(emp[i].salary > highest_salary)                 {                     highest_salary = emp[i].salary;                 }                 total_salary += emp[i].salary;             }             std::cout<<std::endl;             std::cout << "Total Salary: "   << total_salary <<std::endl;             std::cout << "============"<<std::endl;             std::cout << "Highest Salary: " << highest_salary << std::endl;             std::cout << "=============="<<std::endl;             std::cout<<std::endl;       int number = 0;  for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {     if(emp[i].salary>=15000)  	{         number++; 	} }   std::cout<<"Number of employees who salary more than 15000 :"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"=============================================="<<std::endl; std::cout<<number<<std::endl; std::cout<<std::endl;               float tax=0;                        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) 	{             if(emp[i].salary <= 1999)             {                 tax = (emp[i].salary*5)/100.0;             }             else if (emp[i].salary<=2999)             {                 tax=(emp[i].salary*7.5)/100.0;             }                  else if (emp[i].salary<=3999)             {                 tax=(emp[i].salary*10)/100.0;             }             else  if (emp[i].salary>4000)             {                 tax=(emp[i].salary*15)/100.0;             }               emp[i].salary -= tax; 	}             std::cout<<"Salary after tax :"<<"  Employee Name :   "<<std::endl;             std::cout<<"================ " <<"   ============="<<std::endl;             for(i = 0; i < n; i++)             std::cout <<  emp[i].salary<<"                   "  <<  emp[i].name << std::endl;                                 std::cout<<std::endl;  outfile <<emp[i].name,emp[i].salary,emp[i].birthday,emp[i].sex ; outfile.close();      return 0;  	 }  }  }

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    Replies To: writing and reading.error

    #2 tlhIn`toq ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: writing and reading.error

    Posted Today, 12:42 PM

    Obviously a continueation of this thread:

    Your question is pretty much "can anyone give me the code to do this".
    We're not going to write your homework for you, or give you code for your homework.

    You tried: That's good.
    You got errors: That can be addressed.
    What code did you try and what were the errors?


    I tried to do it in more ways than one, but there are many errors,

    Does not help us, to help you. Specifically show us the code you are using and the errors you got.

    #3 man silence ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: writing and reading.error

    Posted Today, 01:05 PM

    Yes, you're right
    This my code
    When I finished calculating the number of employees who paid more than 15000
    Now I save data staff and the prgram gave me this problem :

    Now the code works without errors
    But out of this in the file employees.txt:

    #4 tlhIn`toq ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: writing and reading.error

    Posted Today, 01:45 PM

    Still the code for your save function.

    #5 macosxnerd101 ?Icon User is online

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    Re: writing and reading.error

    Posted Today, 01:48 PM

    Please avoid duplicate posting.

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