Friday, August 17, 2012

As K-12 goes high-tech, colleges get more virtual

Across America, the latest technologies are being stuffed into backpacks, propped up in classrooms and enabling learning across vast distances. While mobile and Internet technologies are often used to build classroom engagement at the grade school and high school levels, technology and educational experts say that things at the university level are quite different. In fact, technology may well eliminate the need for campuses altogether.

What does e-education look like?

  • Top universities to offer online courses ? for free.
  • Virtual field trips for thousands of elementary school children in rural Minnesota.
  • iMac computers for Chicago-area high school students and iPads for their counterparts in Indianapolis.

"It's a significant change," Karen Cantor, the director of educational technology for the U.S. Education Department in Washington, D.C., told NBC News. "While we might feel like the Internet has been for around for a long time, which it has been, we just have to remember that it's fairly new to us ? and the opportunity to learn has exponentially grown."

Studies show educators are ready for a major change, particularly in accepting new technology into the classroom ? or replacing the classroom entirely. K-12 teachers are striving to get their administrators on board with tablets and Web-based learning. Meanwhile, higher education sees the campus itself transitioning from an institution where students live for four years to a more familiar site they log into every day from home.

"We were ready to move ahead," Rolly Landeros, chief information officer with Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, told NBC News. "We wanted our students become a part of the learning process for teachers."

More than 900 Cathedral High School underclassman were required to purchase iPads for the 2012-2013 school year as part of the school's upgrades to its wireless networks and classroom technology, he said. Students who couldn't afford the $500 for an iPad were able to get discounts and scholarships to help pay for them, he said.

"When students use an iPad, they use it recreationally and socially, but teachers use iPads for their educational and professional use. We wanted both sides to use it in all worlds. Instead of teachers being afraid to ask for help, we now have students helping teachers be successful in the classroom," he said.

Last September, NBC News paid a visit to the Archibishop Mitty High School in San Jose, Calif., which is also piloting a one-iPad-per-child program. (See video below.) As the 2012-2013 school year kicks off, it too will be issuing iPads to its 1,600 students for use at school and at home.

But while change is happening in pockets across America, don't expect an iPad revolution to occur occur overnight.

A PBS-funded VeraQuest survey of K-12 teachers found widespread agreement that technology was helpful in the classroom, making the teacher's job easier and improving the students' experience. But despite a prevalence of PCs, only 21 percent felt they had the right level of technology in the classroom. New and helpful technologies like electronic whiteboards and tablets are highly desired. And while teachers themselves often have access to helpful technology, the students rarely do.

Naturally, cost was identified as the primary limiting factor, more than learning to use the new tools or any shortcomings in the tools themselves. And not surprisingly, teachers who taught in high-income areas found the administration, board and parents more supportive of technology.

In northern Minnesota, new technology will help level the playing field for schools in remote areas, said Matt Gross, chair of the Itasca Area Schools Collaborative and superintendent for the Deer River School District in Deer River, Minn.

The collaborative, which includes 20 schools and 6,000 students, is relying on new video technology to link classrooms with others throughout the region, he said. A $1 million federal grant helped pay for the distance-learning initiative, he said. The telepresence classrooms will be used for foreign language classes and field trips.

"Our kids are going to have opportunities to take higher level courses that we can't offer here, or at least that we don't have the enrollment to justify a teacher for," he said.

Gross said the collaborative wants to expand the telepresence to the community, offering college courses for adults during the evenings.

In the southwest suburb of Chicago, about 7,400 students returning to the Lincoln-Way Community High School District 210 will get new computers and updated computer labs. The district leased 700 new computers to update its 25 computer labs within its four high schools, district spokeswoman Charla Brautigam told The Chicago Tribune. Also, students in the district?s music and art programs will get new iMacs to use this 2012-2013 school year, she said.

Even assuming the presence of technology will increase with time, how it is applied is an important issue as well, educators say. Some argue that it isn't helpful for children to have tablets if they're just going to be watching lectures and slides on them. Frank Noschese, a science teacher at John Jay High School in New York, described the weakness of using technology as just another way to make students memorize and regurgitate information.

"I'm not against technology in the classroom, I'm against using technology as away to dispense information to students, for them to consume it and then spit back out," he told NBC News in an earlier interview.

"I want to see students using technology to create knowledge for themselves. It's not technology versus not technology, it's about content delivery via lecture versus content delivery via exploration."

Higher education at the Internet crossroads
At universities, the situation is more complicated. Although higher education is widely seen as a positive experience, the immense and growing cost of attending a university has combined with questions about the relevance of a degree, producing skepticism around the current method employed by schools. In particular, it is increasingly considered wasteful for students to live on campus, and for professors to deliver the same lectures in person, semester after semester.

In a survey conducted by Pew Research Center?s Internet & American Life Project, over a thousand experts weighed in on the topic of the future of higher learning. Pew asked them to side with one of two statements. One was a conservative view, saying higher education in 2020 would be largely the same, while integrating such technologies were a natural fit. The other was the more aggressive prediction that there would be major changes, a virtualization that puts distance learning and teleconferencing into widespread adoption.

The experts were split, but surprisingly there was little argument over whether universities would eventually change. Everyone seemed confident that education is in a period of transition. The disagreement was about the rate at which that change will occur.

According to the Pew report, P. F. Anderson, a librarian at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, put it as, "The very concept of what a university is, what academia is, what adult learning is, all of these are changing profoundly. If you think back to the original purposes of universities, what they have been doing recently has pivoted roughly 180 degrees."

Yet changing the institution of higher education is like "turning an aircraft carrier," another librarian, Richard Holeton of Stanford, told the research center. He said he believed eight or nine years will see some changes, but nothing like a revolution.

However, two computer science professors from California have set in motion online efforts to teach the world for free and have gained support from five of the nation's top universities.

Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, creators behind the online learning platform, dubbed Coursera, announced this spring their partnership with Stanford, Princeton, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Michigan. The pair's project to be offered next year will offer dozens of online courses to students worldwide and at no cost.

The founders say professors will teach under their university's name and will adapt popular courses for the Web, embedding assignments and exams into video lectures through its website, The online program will allow questions from students on online forums, according to Coursera's statement.

The pair founded Coursera in 2011 after they hosted free online computer science classes at Stanford, gaining 350,000 enrollments from 172 countries, according to the company.

What, no more dorms?
If lessons move away from campus, what of the other aspects of higher education ? for instance, the so-called dorm life? Many have argued that the act of throwing together thousands of young people to mix and learn from each other is as valuable as the education itself, but it increasingly tends to favor those with the financial backing to do so, technology experts maintain.

Jonathan Grudin, a principal researcher at Microsoft in Redmond, noted in the Pew report, "Universities inevitably brought almost all students into forced contact with sets of people they might or might not have chosen to mix with, but they and society generally benefited from it happening."

The question is, what can replace this model? "Whether online social networking will provide mechanisms for youths to shed their high school personas and networks and try out new more mature personas and develop new more challenging and rewarding networks, I don't know," Grudin said.

Whatever their position on the timing of these changes, most of Pew's respondents agreed that the traditional lecture-and-test system is on its way out, and there will be more of a focus on students following specific tracks and receiving more personalized (but not necessarily personal) training. That may result in a college education that isn't as broad, but it will more efficiently bring students the skillsets they need for their careers, so that they get both their time and their money's worth.

Bob Frankston, a computer scientist told Pew: "Ideally, people will learn to educate themselves with teachers acting as mentors and guides."


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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Personal Trainer Mission Valley And Your Own Muscles - ArticlePDQ

As a personal trainer Mission Valley, I first discovered the idea that ?muscle is the ?window? to your body? in Ken Hutchins? SuperSlow Technical Manual. He attributes the quote to a former employee of Nautilus, Ed Farnham. It?s an excellent metaphor. The thought is the fact essentially all physical improvements that can be stimulated by exercise are basically brought on by loading your physique. Making your muscles work is actually how you ?get at? and stimulate not only your physique, yet the rest of your body?s systems too. Your physiques are a pathway to enhancing your cardiovascular system, lungs, endocrine system, immune system, general metabolism, and more.

For instance, suppose somebody is climbing stairs for the purpose of exercising. This person?s body will temporarily burn more calories during the stair climbing session. It?ll also make her pulse rate faster, by doing so potentially place positive stress on her heart to get better. And when the stair climbing is challenging enough, her calves will fatigue somewhat at the same time. If her body is not already used to a more challenging stress than stair climbing (like high-intensity strength training), her body will be aroused to improve the cardiovascular system, her muscles may get slightly stronger, along with other positive adaptations may happen in such areas as the body?s immune system as well as the endocrine system.

Observe that each one of those effects from stair climbing (burning calories, positively stressing the heart, potential strength increases, and positive adjustments in the immune and endocrine systems) is caused by making the muscles work. Extra calories are burned only because the calves worked harder from the activity. The heart starts beating faster to supply nutrients to the working muscles, as well to remove waste products there. If an surge in strength is stimulated, it will be mainly because the muscles have been loaded, fatigued, and stressed sufficiently. All the physical benefits are usually fundamentally due to making the muscles work.

Demanding muscular loading is a fundamental cause for triggering a cascade of positive changes throughout your body. Still for the cardiovascular system, the stimulus is making the muscles work, and the cardiovascular system kicks into higher gear purely as a support system for the working muscles. (In other words, your heart and lungs can?t jump from your body and jump on the stair climber to exercise themselves. The best way to ?get at? your cardiovascular system by exercising is by helping to make the muscles work.)

A big advantage of effective strength training when compared with other exercise methods (like stair climbing) is that training for strength gives you the chance to make the muscles work harder than stair climbing or some other exercise choices. If you?ve ever trained your calves to ?momentary failure? in the leg press machine in slow-motion form, you already know firsthand how strength training works the muscles hard! Since training for strength can make the muscles work much harder than alternative activities (like stair climbing), you may stimulate as good or better benefits in any of your body?s systems (such as the muscles, heart, lungs, endocrine system, immune system, and general metabolism) than you can with other activities.

Throughout my article in our December newsletter I mentioned that studies show that effective training for strength produces positive benefits for the cardiovascular system. That?s why in some studies with very high-intensity strength training, the adjustments in the cardiovascular system by means of strength training are superior to even so-called ?cardio? routines such as stair climbing. The reason is you may only address your cardiovascular system by making the muscles work, and training for strength gives you the chance to really challenge the muscles, and for that reason a number of other systems in your body increase in addition to the muscles.

Making the muscles work hard during training for strength triggers a ?total body response?, including more strength, greater endurance, more calorie-burning lean muscle tissue in your body, reversed age related muscle loss (sarcopenia), increased metabolic process and the number of calories you burn even when you are resting, greater fat loss, stronger bones, reversed aging of muscle cells (expresses younger DNA in the nuclei), improved cardiovascular fitness, improved levels of cholesterol, lowered blood pressure, improved lower back pain, better management of blood sugar, improved immune system and a volume of other benefits.

When done right training for strength loads the muscles (your ?window to your body?) much more effectively than other activities because strength training may load the muscles more effectively, more intensely, and also in a safer manner than alternative activities can.

The slow-motion, high-intensity training for strength that we teach with a personal trainer Mission Valley can be as great of a way as you will find at stimulating this ?window? into your body, and as a result your entire body improves, not only the muscles. And all it will take is just 20 minutes, twice a week.

Getting in top shape with the aid of Mission Valley Personal Trainer from view website not just enhances your physique but likewise your overall health as well. The rewards that one could get by hiring Personal Trainer Mission Valley from how much is yours worth? are endless.


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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End ...

308114 2348711435554 566909895 n 225x300 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

The morning view from the porch of my mother's new house.

During late April and all of May in 2010 ? ?the 5.5 week period during which my oldest child lay dying in the hospital here in Knoxville ? my mother was finalizing the sale of her house 175 miles away in my hometown of Bell Buckle, TN. It had been for sale for about a year when she finally got a solid offer and was able to close the deal. The timing was rotten; the last thing she wanted to be doing while Henry was hospitalized was dealing with a house closing, closely followed by moving out, but that?s how things worked out.

The timing also meant that my brother and sister and I had to figure out a way to get all the furniture and family memorabilia out of our mother?s house?- the great stuff she was giving us as she downsized with her big move ? ?during a brief window of time during which we we were all intently focused on being at Henry?s bedside. Again, bad timing, but it was what it was, and with the help of amazing and wonderful friends, the furniture and special items that my mother was giving me ? including a huge baby grand piano that originally belonged to my great grandmother ? were all moved from Bell Buckle to my house in Knoxville ?without me ever having to leave the hospital for even one moment.

My mother?s move in the spring of 2010 made perfect sense. At age 65, she was retiring from a 43 year career, capped off with her tenure as the PR and media flack for the Tennessee Supreme Court-slash-state-judicial system, and she and the great guy she had been with for more than 5 years were planning to build their own home together on a beautiful lake lot about halfway between Knoxville and Bell Buclkle. The house my mother was selling ? our family home ? was HUGE, and very old, and utterly impractical in every single way for one person to live in alone, plus my mother had spent her entire adult life longing to live on the water, and now she was about to get her wish.

I understood all of this intellectually, but emotionally, ?her decision to move out of ?our? house and leave Bell Buckle behind entirely hit me way harder than I thought it would. ?I wanted her to stay in the house I knew and loved, in the place I knew and loved. My grandfather and father had both died in the 36 months preceding my mother selling her house, and my grandmother was very near death as well. Everything that had been familiar and predictable for my whole life was in transition ? something that happens to all of us as we hit middle age ? and I was attempting to get my bearings, including adjusting to the idea that my mother was starting a whole new life in a new place.

And then, my teenage son died the same week my mother moved. That?s not something anyone expects or should expect to happen in middle age. Henry had loved my parents? home in Bell Buckle with his whole heart. In fact, Bell Buckle was pretty much his favorite place in the world right up until the time he died. If I close my eyes, I can see Henry happily running up and down the stairs at my parents? house, and being tossed in the air by my father in the backyard. He loved to climb the giant magnlia tree in the front yard, and watch for frogs in the little pond my parents had built in their backyard. He danced with my sister at her wedding reception in the backyard, and he loved running right across the road to his ?extra? family?s house ? the Abernathys ? or dashing up the street to play with his cousins, or spend time with his great-grandparents, aunts and uncles. For all three of my older children, Bell Buckle has been their happy place throughout childhood, but Henry was able to enjoy that experience the longest before things shifted and changed.

I knew that Henry would have been very sad to see his Nanny?s house sold, but he never knew that it happened because he was hospitalized with a terrible brain injury. And I am glad he never knew. But it did make E and J sad, and it made me sad that because of when it happened, I never got to walk through it even one final time to say my own goodbyes to a life that?s gone forever now. Because of when the sale took place, the next time I saw our family home in Bell Buckle, a few months after Henry died when I made my first trip back, another family was already living there.

And in the two years since, every time I walk past the house when I am visiting Bell Buckle, I feel a little pang of sadness. Sometimes I almost hear Henry and his little brother and cousins calling out to me from the branches of that magnolia tree as I walk by on the sidewalk.

But while I have been trying to shake off the grief I have around how the house was sold at exactly the same time I lost the boy who loved it so much, I am thrilled that my mother?s hopes for her new life have come together wonderfully. For almost a year, she and Jim lived in a barn with an apartment on their new lake property while they oversaw the construction of their house ? a brand new house which for the first time in her whole life my mother got to design exactly the way she wanted, right down to the cabinet pulls and the mantel. They?ve had a great time with the project, and when they were done, they moved in and moored their boat at the marina down the hill, and they began asking us to come visit.

My two teenagers ? J and E ? have been to Nanny?s new house several times now, and needless to say, with the lake and the boat and the awesome deck and the golf cart they get to drive around, they love the place. (Understatement) And of course for my two youngest children, 5 year old C and 2 year old G, there won?t be any memories of any other place that their grandmother ever lived besides the lake house. But I have hesitated to visit for many months because I was afraid it would make me sad. I knew this was kind of silly of me, and I am genuinely thrilled for my mom and Jim, who just love their new life at the lake, but I just worried that I?d fall apart. As silly as this sounds saying it out loud, I worried that it would feel like the new house would represent moving on and forgetting Henry and the life we had as a family for 18 years before everything changed.

But this past weekend, it was time. I felt ready. And we all spent the weekend at my mother?s lake house ? located deep in the woods of middle Tennessee, and sporting a view so spectacular that no photo does it justice. My sister is still too ill to have come with, but her husband Ray and her three kids were there, plus my brother and sister in law and their four little monkeys, and Jon and I had all four of our kiddos there as well. And it was fantastic. I wasn?t sad one bit being there, as I?d feared I might be. I just love Jim to pieces, and seeing how happy my mother is in her brand spankin? new house with her flowers and hummingbird feeder and water nearby?.it?s just absolutely lovely.

The kids feel like Nanny and Jim?s house is a resort. My mother feeds them huge quantities of tasty food while they are there, and Jim drives them all over the lake in the boat so the big kids can tube and waterski, and all of us loved hanging out on the porch with the breathtaking view. Danger Toddler did attempt to destroy my mother?s screen door, and we had to watch her carefully to prevent her from climbing off the deck and flinging herself down the hill to the lake, but she had a great time too, fighting her nap all day until she finally conked out in a recliner with her babydoll.

Now that I?ve actually been there to visit, and the sadness I worried would be really overwhelming didn?t actually materialize, I am feeling much more at peace with the ?old house? being something in our family?s past. The memories we all shared there remain, and there are new memories for my children to make and enjoy at Nanny?s new house. Change is hard, but it opens the door for the great things that still lie ahead. Without letting go of the past, the future can?t unfold. This is one of the great lessons of this searingly painful season of my life, with its massive, seismic shifts and evolutions. I?m trying to learn this lesson fully, take it to heart, and remember it next time inevitable change comes calling, as I know now it certainly will.

Here are some photos from the wonderful time we all had at my mother?s lake house last weekend (THANKS MOM!). I?m not in any of them because I was the photographer? I think you can see on their faces how much the kids love it there.

  • thumbs lake9 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    My four monkeys on the deck

  • thumbs 308114 2348711435554 566909895 n Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Morning view

    This is what my mother and Jim wake up to in the morning. Wow.

  • thumbs lake1 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Crossing Over

    The new house is WAY out in the boonies. This cool bridge is between the interstate and the house.

  • thumbs lake3 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

  • thumbs lake4 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Four of the cousins in Nanny's hot tub

    They're channeling James Brown

  • thumbs lake5 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Uncle Robert, cousin J and E

  • thumbs lake11 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

  • thumbs lake12 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Aunt Nicole with cousin A

  • thumbs lake13 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    The cousins disperse after photoshoot

  • thumbs lake14 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    L to R: Cousin J, Jim and E

  • thumbs lake15 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    Patient Jim

    He's so nice to drive people around the lake non-stop

  • thumbs lake17 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    G with her Dadd

    Look how sleepy she looks. She usually naps HOURS before the time of day this photo was taken, but she wanted to go on the boat.

  • thumbs lake18 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

  • thumbs lake19 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

  • thumbs lake20 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End

    She FINALLY conked out after a day in the sun


So how about you? Have your parents sold ?the family homestead?? Or maybe your grandparents? Did you struggle with a feeling of loss over that transition? Let?s discuss in the comments below.




*Credit for the song lyric in this blog post?s title goes to the band Semisonic.

 Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End


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Dentist San Antonio TX Health And Technology : : Critical Care 2011

Dentist San Antonio TX

Technology has redefined the way we live and function in life. Life is getting to be more challenging and sophisticated, thanks to use of technology. Those who are not technology friendly have no option but to fall in line.There is no part of our life that has not been touched by technology.

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Now, let?s take a quick peek at additional valuable tips.

Though we do see the impact of technology in all of the areas around us, undoubtedly the most significant change one can see is in the field of medical sciences. Medical practice is no longer the same what it was two decades ago.Medical practice is not what it used to be and has made rapid advances in the field of diagnostics as well as treatment methodology and approach.The time taken to identify and isolate the exact problem and to evaluate options to eradicate the problem is very less and diagnosis is more accurate today.

Advanced diagnostic equipments especially the powerful CT scanners have enabled doctors to get a feel of what is exactly happening inside of the human body. There has been a surge of advancements in medical research too that has been fuelled by deployment of technology with the result that several antidotes, antibiotics as well as other specific prescription drugs have been developed in the recent years.

The advancement in medical science and medical research is not going to stop here. The day is not far off when we will get used to talking to computers, getting our diagnostic reports done automatically without any human interface. It is possible to do away with human intervention in many areas by introducing artificial intelligence.We could be talking to the doctor only for review of our medical reports and for treatment of course.

Quick strategy- An article directory is a good location to come across Cosmetic Dentist San Antonio TX info. An article directory is a database where experts publish their articles on a number of subject areas. Here are a couple article internet directories: or

Today we find that more and more hospitals are adapting robots in their Operations Theatres and are going in for automated hybrid OTs.This is giving undreamt of possibilities to the doctors to perform complicated surgeries on patients with the help of robots. We should expect robotics to be used in dental surgeries too in the near future. Japanese have already developed and are using robots as teaching aids in dental schools and in carrying out very simple and basic procedures.

One can expect dental surgeries to become very fine and faster with the help of robots causing little or no pain. Post operative care too will become easier due to minimum invasion caused by the robots. Robots in dental surgeries will be of great help and advantage to the Dentists. Using robots can increase the capacity and capability of performing dental surgeries on daily basis.Though the equipment cost is going to be phenomenal, nevertheless it would be worth it for the volumes can always make up and help break even.

Along with sophistication of medical equipments and care, we find the cost of medical care is going up too. There seems to be unprecedented increase in the cost of both medical care as well as dental care too. It is bound to happen because of the huge investments that is going into medical research as well as into development of medical equipments and aids. If we want technology and better service we have got to pay for it. When you are sick and get well with such good medical care and treatment you will feel that what you pay is worth it.

Here?s a recommended resource:


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Battle for Your Legal right through the Los Angeles Criminal Defense

August 07, 2012- Everybody is aware of the fact that felony charges can put a massive effect on a person?s existence. Aside from his individual life becoming spoiled the individual has to accept heavy charges for the criminal offense. In case you are one of the sufferers of a criminal charge then you can definitely take the help of the For more info click our link The Hedding Law firm in Los Angeles possesses great working experience and for several years they have successfully handled criminal cases in the vicinity. The credentials of the attorneys in this organization simply cannot be likened to any other firm. They are the people who appear on court each day and without any question provide you with the best possible alternatives.
There are close to more than forty courthouses in Los Angeles and if an individual is reserved in the Los Angeles then it is mandatory to transport the person to any of these courthouses in just two business days. With the the Hedding Law firm you can expect top quality advice and proficiency that will help you to put forward your case with a lot more solidarity. Choosing an attorney has generally been a costly matter but not in Hedding Law firm. The Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney will provide you free consultation to study and talk about your case in depth. The outstanding legal guidance from the attorneys in this organization has assisted many clients win their trial and secure their life from damage. To put you in a solid situation the lawyers will give their best attempt and make sure even the minute facts of the case are taken into account.
It is certainly evident that dealing with a lawyer is not something that you desire. But the Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer will attempt to make the complete legal course of action as comforting as possible. Their knowledge with the Los Angeles legal courts will offer you with an additional benefit that no other law organization in the region can offer. They will battle for your liberation and rights till the end till you are provided with an effective outcome. With attorneys from the Hedding Law firm assisting you with the case there is a high chance that you will maintain your freedom by remaining out of jail.
The Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer provides guidance and representation in various felony law area. The legal professionals will aid you with various kinds of charges connected to narcotics, robbery, violence, trafficking and many others. Hence in place of being a casualty of the prosecutors or the law enforcement hire the legal services of the Hedding Law firm. You may also watch their newest video on YouTube through the following link
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The Hedding Law firm possesses more than seventy five years of expertise in the Los Angeles courthouses. Through the years they have fruitfully managed countless numbers of cases connected to criminal defense in the Los Angeles County.

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'Jersey Shore' Season Six All About 'Family'

Pauly D opens up to MTV News about the 'strangers that became my friends,' returning to MTV in October.
By Jocelyn Vena

The cast of "Jersey Shore"
Photo: MTV


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Higher retail spending lifts hopes for US economy - Idaho Statesman

US Retail Sales

In this July 19, 2012 photo, shoppers in New York pass signs for discounted clothing sales. U.S. retail sales rose in July by the largest amount in five months, buoyed by more spending on autos, furniture and clothing. Retail sales rose 0.8 percent in July from June, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012. The increased followed three months of declines, including a 0.7 percent drop in sales in June.

Fay Abuelgasim ? AP Photo

? Americans increased their retail spending in July by the most in five months, opening their wallets after a frugal spring and offering hope that the slumping economy may rebound in the second half of the year.

Retail spending rose in every major category, from electronics and sporting goods to furniture, building supplies and garden equipment. The report from the government followed one earlier this month that showed hiring strengthened in July.

Overall retail sales rose 0.8 percent from June to July, the Commerce Department said. It was the sharpest increase since February, and it followed three months of declines.

The stepped-up spending was evident in a flurry of retail earnings reports for the second quarter, which ended in late July.

Home Depot, the nation's largest home improvement retailer, said healthy sales of paint, bathroom accessories and kitchen installations helped lift its net income 12 percent.

Macy's raised its annual earnings guidance last week after reporting a 16 percent increase in net income in the second quarter. Macy's executives specifically cited a pickup in their teen clothing business, which had been weak.

TJX Cos., which sells discounted brand names under such store banners as T.J. Maxx and HomeGoods, said its second-quarter net income jumped 21 percent on better same-store sales.

"People are spending a little more and feeling a little better about the economy," said James Donnelly, a sales associate at Boston-based Tadpole, which sells infant wear, children's clothing and toys.

Donnelly says he's seen an increase in business and traffic in recent weeks. The store has run 40 percent discounts on summer merchandise. Shoppers are also buying some back-to-school items, like backpacks and clothing.

Americans appear to be taking their cues from the economy's modest but steady improvements.

Employers added 163,000 jobs in July, the best month for job growth since February. Home prices are up. The value of U.S. exports reached a record high last month. U.S. consumers are expressing more confidence. And stock indexes are near their highs for the year.

"I am looking for a better second half of the year, in part because I think business will become more confident, and they will increase their hiring," said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors.

Naroff predicts the government will revise growth in the April-June quarter to an annual rate of 2 percent, up from the 1.5 percent reported last month. He predicts growth will then accelerate to 2.6 percent in the July-September quarter and 3.3 percent in the final three months of the year.

Still, the overall economy remains subpar with the presidential and congressional elections less than three months away. Unemployment is high at 8.3 percent. Consumer spending on goods and services, which drives roughly 70 percent of growth, grew by only 1.5 percent in the April-June quarter, the weakest pace in a year.

Some economists cautioned that part of the July increase in retail spending was inevitable after consumers cut spending in each of the months in the April-June quarter. Consumers will likely sustain their spending increases only if hiring continues to strengthen, they said.

In the meantime, many Americans remain anxious about the job market, slow wage gains and high debts.

"Consumers hunkered down all through the spring, and then they came out in July and decided to do some overdue spending," said Chris Christopher, a senior economist at IHS Global Insight. "But until we see more months of spending gains, we should be very cautious about how we evaluate the situation."

A brighter outlook for the economy could make the Federal Reserve hold off on taking further action to boost growth when its policy committee meets in September.

The Fed signaled in late July that it was ready to act if growth and hiring stayed week. That led many economists to predict the Fed would announce a third round of bond purchases designed to push long-term interest rates down and generate more borrowing and spending in the economy.

"As long as you have signs that the economy is either holding its own or getting a little better, then the Fed doesn't have a reason to do anything," Naroff said.

Inflation does remain mild, which gives the Fed more leeway to act if it decides the economy needs further help. The Labor Department said in a separate report Tuesday that wholesale prices rose 0.3 percent in July from June. Lower energy prices offset sharp gains in the costs of food, cars and light trucks.

The most critical measure of the economy's health will be the August employment report released Sept. 7.

Over the past 29 months, U.S. companies have added 4.5 million jobs.

A new job gave Lan Smith and her husband more spending freedom this year. She had been unemployed for 18 months when she was hired in January as an administrative assistant for a non-profit.

The couple splurged this summer on a new chaise lounge and chairs for their living room - their first furniture purchases in a decade. They also bought a new Honda Insight this year to replace their 9-year-old Hyundai Sonata.

The big purchases were a departure from the couple's strict budgeting that began in 2009. Still, Smith said they remain cautious as both she and her husband have lower incomes than they did 10 years ago. And their health care premiums recently went up.

"It feels like every time we take a step forward, we take a step back," she said.

D'Innocenzio contributed from New York. AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

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There are a few factors this influence cost per square foot. First, there is the built in profit the home builder works with. This quote is about the builder, and it can often be anything from 10% to 50%, subject to what services are you contracting.

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Impaired Decision-Making In Hoarders -

In patients with hoarding disorder, parts of a decision-making brain circuit under-activated when dealing with others' possessions, but over-activated when deciding whether to keep or discard their own things, a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)-funded study has found. NIMH is part of the National Institutes of Health. Brain scans revealed the abnormal activation in areas of the anterior cingulate cortex and insula known to process error monitoring, weighing the value of things, assessing risks, unpleasant feelings, and emotional decisions. NIMH grantee David Tolin, Ph.D...

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Pierre lifts Phillies over Cardinals in 11 innings


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:58 p.m. ET Aug. 12, 2012

PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Juan Pierre took an Olympic-sized dose of inspiration watching Usain Bolt sprint to gold.

He took off on a 90-foot dash to his own finish line at first base.

No medals, just a needed victory for the Phillies.

Pierre beat out a run-scoring infield single in the 11th inning, lifting Phillies to an 8-7 win over the St. Louis Cardinals on Sunday.

"Once I hit it, I was like, `Get to the bag,"' Pierre said.

Pierre hit a ball deep into the hole that shortstop Rafael Furcal made a great stab at and fired to first. Pierre, who enjoyed watching Bolt compete, just beat the throw to score Jimmy Rollins and help the Phillies win two of three against the Cardinals.

"I played with Furcal so I knew what kind of arm he had," Pierre said. "Guys are saying he slipped a little bit and couldn't get that much on the throw. He still got a lot on it, but not enough, and it happened to work out.

Rollins reached against Barret Browning (0-2) on a fielder's choice. He advanced to second base on a grounder and then stole third.

Without that stolen base, the game was going to the 12th.

Without Erik Kratz, the Phillies were going home losers.

Kratz delivered again in the clutch for the Phillies with a three-run homer off Mitchell Boggs in the eighth that tied the game 7-all. He continued his role as unlikely star for the Phillies and delivered one of his biggest hits yet.

Chase Utley and Howard walked against Marc Rzepczynski to lead off the eighth.

Kratz then connected for the tying homer, his fifth, to left that sent the crowd into a frenzy.

The 32-year-old Kratz was a minor league journeyman pressed into the big leagues when reserve catcher Brian Schneider was injured. Kratz has become a fan favorite because of his instant production (9 of first 13 hits for extra bases) and feel-good story.

"You want to be the guy that gets called up," Kratz said. "You're not going to sit there and just stay complacent. You're going to give everything you have and want to get your uniform dirty to win the game. You want to be asked to be put in that spot."

So close to victory, the Cardinals head home with a tough loss to deal with as they try and make ground in their playoff push.

"Pierre showed his speed. I thought he would be out," Browning said. "All losses are tough, but this one hurts a little more."

Ryan Howard also homered for the Phillies. Matt Carpenter had three RBIs for the Cardinals.

Jeremy Horst (2-0) tossed two scoreless innings for his first major league victory in a game that lasted 3 hours, 53 minutes.

Kratz's tying shot was the breakthrough the Phillies needed against a tough Cardinals bullpen.

Jon Jay hit a tiebreaking double in the eighth inning and Carpenter followed with an RBI single to make it 7-4.

Cardinals relievers had held the Phillies scoreless until the eighth after they scored four runs against starter Lance Lynn.

Howard, who missed 84 games after rupturing his left Achilles tendon while making the final out of the NL division series last October, had little to worry about on his home run trot. His solo shot to left-center, his seventh, tied the game at 4 in the fourth inning. The game appeared headed toward a back-and-forth high scoring game - and returned to that flavor over the final three innings.

Lynn entered leading the National League with a 6.77 run support average and his 23rd start of the season was trending that way.

The Phillies roughed up Lynn with a three-run first. Utley's two-RBI triple made it 2-1 and Howard followed with a shot off second baseman Daniel Descalso's glove for a run-scoring single.

Lynn, a 13-game winner, allowed four runs in five innings and is winless in his last three starts.

"We've had series like this all season and they are tough losses," Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said.

The Cardinals did what they could to put Lynn in position for win No. 14. Carlos Beltran doubled to right for his NL-best 83rd RBI in the third to cut it to 3-2.

The Cardinals scored the tying run in the fourth on a throwing error by Kratz and went up 4-3 on Carpenter's RBI single to center.

Carpenter wasted little time putting the Cardinals up 1-0 in the first when he ripped one into the right-center gap for an RBI double.

Vance Worley has just one win in his last five starts and had another rough outing Sunday. He allowed nine hits and four runs in 5 1-3 innings - one start after he was chased by Atlanta in the fourth inning. He's battled bone chips that caused a stint on the DL and a string of mediocre starts.

NOTES: The Phillies finished 5-4 on their homestand. ... The Cardinals head to St. Louis to open a nine-game game homestand. ... The Phillies are 5-9 in extra innings; the Cardinals 3-8.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Consumers perceive risk when 'price' means more than money

ScienceDaily (Aug. 13, 2012) ? When companies combine different pricing structures -- such as asking for effort or information in combination with or instead of money -- consumers perceive a greater risk in the decision to buy.

That's according to University of Cincinnati research to be presented at the Aug. 15-17 Behavioral Pricing Conference in Detroit, Mich., by doctoral marketing student John Dinsmore. His paper is titled "Mental Accounting, General Evaluability Theory and the Framing Losses Posed by Partitioned Monetary and Nonmonetary Prices."

According to Dinsmore, shoppers routinely arrive at buying decisions by categorizing and evaluating prices, a process known as mental accounting that helps consumers judge a level of loss or sacrifice posed by pricing strategies.

"Companies have lots of options when pricing products. They can charge money, or they can require something else such as watching an advertisement," explained Dinsmore of UC's Carl H. Lindner College of Business.

And in the eyes of the consumer, greater sacrifice means more risk, he added.

This risk can be tied to cash outlay and an additional consumer sacrifice to obtain a good or service, such as time spent evaluating product information, partaking in services or registering personal information to be granted user access.

Dinsmore's research, for which he won an honorable mention from the Fordham University Pricing Center, New York, as one of three finalists in the 2012 Behavioral Pricing Dissertation Competition, consisted of an online survey of about 300 people in which he presented them with identical product descriptions and randomly used three different pricing structures.

Surveyed "consumers" were asked to consider different expenses (money, time and information privacy) and assess anticipated risk.

"I found that products with multiple monetary prices did not appear any riskier than products with a single price," he said. "Products with different price categories, for example charging money and requiring consumers to view an ad before buying a product, seemed riskier."

In other words, these nonmonetary costs evoke different mental considerations, a field of study known as behavioral pricing research that observes buyer behavior as it relates to characteristics behind perceived value.

What does it mean for businesses? It's all about striking a risk balance, Dinsmore explained.

"As businesses seek new ways to make money off their product or search for new revenue streams, there could be negative unintentional consequences for combining different categories of prices, " he stated.

Dinsmore added that for each type of price a company attaches to a product, a different set of consumer concerns may arise: "The wider array of concerns (e.g. privacy), the riskier that product seems."

Businesses will need to assess whether they can afford if their product is viewed as slightly more risky, he said.

"Companies may be better off charging a higher monetary price than opting for a seemingly cheaper (monetarily) but combined pricing strategy," according to Dinsmore.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cincinnati. The original article was written by Judy Ashton.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Elton John Asks Judge To Throw Out Baseless Copyright Lawsuit

Elton John Attacks Copyright Lawsuit as Baseless

Elton John and writing partner Bernie Taupin are being used by a songwriter who claims their 1985 hit song?Nikita?blatantly stole his themes and words.

John is asking that the lawsuit filed by songwriter Guy Hobbs be thrown out of court because it has no grounds to move forward.

The copyright lawsuit was filed in April at which time Guy Hobbs claimed the hit song was written and recorded without his knowledge.

In the song,?Elton John sings about a western man falling in love with a Russian women. Hobbs claims that theme belongs to him but Elton argues that you can?t copyright such a common theme as a western man falling for a Russian woman.

The lawsuit also claims that Elton stole the words ?I need you? which are found inside Nikita?s chorus. Hobbs also says the use of ?just? and ?never? were taken from his own original composition.

In responding to the lawsuit Elton John?s lawyers wrote:

?The suggestion that the Grammy-Award winning composer/lyricist team of Elton John and Bernie Taupin ? would need to copy these commonplace elements from [Hobbs'] lyrics is not only baseless and absurd, but it also misses the essential legal point.?

Copyright does not protect an ?idea,? and it seems as if Hobbs? entire lawsuit is based around that premise.

In the end, Elton Johns? legal team claims the lawsuit is so vague in its scope that it should be dismissed immediately.

A judge has not yet ruled on the status of the lawsuit.

[Image via Massimiliano Lamagna /]


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Sunday, August 12, 2012

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From Kent Adventure Gaming Society Wiki

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Every gamer will require their computer to be the very best gaming computer system among their peers. Sometimes, with a little experience and suggestions and tricks, you're able to develop the most desirable gaming computer system and show it off to your peers. This write-up will show you how:

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stock market is ending the week on a sour note

NEW YORK (AP) ? After months of worrying about Europe, now investors are getting concerned about Asia too.

U.S. stocks moved lower Friday following unsettling reports out of China and elsewhere in Asia. China's export growth plunged, Singapore's economy shrank and South Korea's central bank issued pessimistic predictions.

How China and other Asian countries fare is hugely important to both the U.S. and Europe. China, the world's second-largest economy, has managed to keep growing even throughout the world recession and its aftermath, propping up global markets while other countries sagged.

The news from China is also a reminder that almost nowhere is safe from the effects of the European debt crisis. The European Union is China's biggest trading partner, and sluggish demand in Europe is largely what drove down China's export growth.

"There are three big elephants in the room," said Marty Leclerc, chief investment officer of Barrack Yard Advisors in Bryn Mawr, Penn. "A slowdown in Asia growth, the European crisis ... and the U.S. 'fiscal cliff.' " Leclerc was referring to tax increases and spending cuts that are set to kick in at the beginning of 2013.

The Dow Jones industrial average was down 28 at 13,137 as of noon. The Standard & Poor's 500 is down two to 1,400. The Nasdaq composite index is down six to 3,012.

European markets were mostly lower. Benchmark indexes fell in France, Germany and Spain. Spain's long-term borrowing costs, measured by the yield on the 10-year Spanish government bond, edged higher, to 6.86 percent from 6.80 percent. That means investors are nervous about Spain's ability to repay its debts.

Europe itself, the cause of so much consternation, was fairly quiet. Leaders of the 17 countries that use the euro are fighting over how to resolve the region's debt crisis. There are sharp differences between weaker countries like Greece, which have needed financial bailouts, and the stronger countries like Germany, which often foot the bill for those bailouts.

On Friday, an influential German business group warned against a bond-buying plan that European leaders have proposed. That would presumably help lower the borrowing costs of weak countries like Spain and Italy, but the German business group said it would "pose a massive threat to the functioning of the monetary union."

Leclerc, however, is looking for European companies to invest in. Stock prices for some have fallen so low that he believes they're a compelling investment. "We tend to follow where the misery is, because for a long-term investor that is often the greatest opportunity," Leclerc said.

Manchester United, the British soccer club, went public at $14 per share and languished, rising just 1 penny by midday. Though widely popular as a soccer team, Manchester United is also ridden in debt and, at 134 years old, not exactly a high-growth company.

Yahoo fell 83 cents to $15.18, a loss of 5 percent. Investors were miffed because they had been expecting Yahoo to distribute most of the proceeds from an upcoming sale back to shareholders, but a regulatory filing late Thursday revealed that new CEO Marissa Mayer could scrap that plan.

Among other stocks making big moves, J.C. Penney jumped 5 percent, rising $1.02 to $23.12. Even though the retailer reporting plummeting sales and a wider-than-expected loss, investors sent the stock higher after the new CEO, former Apple executive Ron Johnson, laid out more of his vision for turning around the struggling department store company.

Chesapeake Energy fell 2 percent, slipping 38 cents to $19.93, after reporting that the federal government is investigating whether there were antitrust violations relating to its purchase of some oil and gas land in Michigan.

It's been a week without much direction for the stock market. Stocks rose incrementally on Monday and Tuesday, then end mixed Wednesday and Thursday. The moves have all been small, and investors don't seem to have too much conviction either way. There's been a lack of major economic developments or European summits to guide them. It's expected that the lull could last through most of August, when many traders are on vacation. Bank of America Merrill Lynch economist titled his Friday note to clients, "The sound of silence."

China said Friday that its export growth slumped to 1 percent in July from more than 11 percent in the previous month, a sign of anemic demand in other countries. Growth in imports fell to about 5 percent from 6 percent, a sign of lower demand within China.

To be sure, problems in China are a different scale from Europe's: By most measures China is still growing, just at a slower rate. Many countries in Europe are shrinking.

Singapore reported that its economy shrank in the second quarter, also hurt by lower demand for its goods. And South Korea warned that the European debt crisis would hurt its own economy for a sustained period.

China's performance raises questions about whether its government will step in more decisively to try to fix things, but it's also hard to predict if those efforts would help. The government has already cut interest rates twice since June to try to spur lending and borrowing, and it is spending more on public works like infrastructure.


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Zumba craze is travelling worldwide, and it?s got develop into so common at present? Zumba may be the total complicated which combines several dance variations and aerobics. Zumba moves are taken from distinctive dance designs, amid them salsa, mambo, merengue, cha-cha, cambia, stomach dance, samba, bhagra, tango, hip-hop, flamenco, and foxtrot. Cardio action is supported by specific rhythms on the audio. Needless to say for such style of action you may need proper sneakers. So, in case you are a kind of who fell in love with Zumba health and fitness, and are trying to find an guidance on deciding upon Zumba footwear, retain looking at.

Good sneakers are, could be, a very powerful portion of the Zumba outfit. Not simply would they help you do many of the moves extra appropriately and burn off all those calories faster, in addition they would defend you from your accidents for the duration of exercise session. You will find a lot of points you need to consider when picking your Zumba health and fitness sneakers, and listed here are the main tips although picking out sneakers for Zumba:

- Test to not use your working or gyms shoes. The factor is that they can be suitable for other pursuits and because of that they have a fantastic package of grip. Zumba requires a ton of sliding and spinning. Managing and gym footwear wouldn?t only be uncomfortable, but will also dangerous. You threat finding ankle and knee accidents, and likewise blisters.

- Listen to shock absorption and fat. Zumba shoes really should be light-weight and really shock absorbent. Even though there are many styles of dancing or aerobics shoes which fill the initial requirement, not many of them have very good shock absorption, which could lead to accidents if making use of them for Zumba.

- Concentrate to the sole. It ought to be completely flat and smooth, again, to avoid injuries.

- Listen to how your toes fell in the sneakers. Ease and comfort and cushioning is rather significant. Remember, you are going to complete very intense activity for nearly an hour, so it?s very crucial that you really feel comfortable.

- Do not help you save on Zumba shoes. Really don?t go for the lowest priced choice ? it might not be what you want. Try the manufacturers you rely on, like Nike, Ryka, Bloch or Z-Sneakers.

- Opt for mesh over artificial leather ? Zumba footwear needs to be highly breathable and capable to entice the dampness for extra ease and comfort.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

What financial reports reveal about movie studios

Companies with movie studios have released their earnings reports for the latest quarter. It generally covers the April-June period, though some companies have fiscal quarters that depart from that.

Here's a look at reports for selected movie industry companies.

? July 31: DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. says net income fell 63 percent, to a level below analysts' expectations. Revenue fell 25 percent. Results for the movie studio were driven by the box office receipts from the movie "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted." The movie has grossed more than $500 million in theaters worldwide since its June 8 release.

? Aug. 1: Time Warner Inc. says revenue at its Warner Bros. studio fell 8 percent to $2.6 billion because last year's quarter had strong releases. The blockbuster Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" didn't open in theaters until the quarter ended. In the second quarter last year, Time Warner Inc. had "The Hangover Part II" in theaters and the next-to-last Harry Potter movie on home video.

Comcast Corp. says its Universal movie studio lost money on its would-be summer blockbuster, the expensive and critically skewered "Battleship." Revenue in the filmed entertainment division fell 2 percent to $1.2 billion.

? Aug. 2: Sony Corp.'s movie division saw a 6 percent increase in sales with the hit "Men in Black 3," and better cable and network program revenue. But it had an operating loss partly because of marketing expenses for this year's films including "The Amazing Spider-Man."

? Aug. 3: Viacom Inc. says revenue at its Paramount movie studio dropped 29 percent. It released three movies in the quarter: "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted," ''The Dictator" and "Titanic 3D." In the same quarter last year, it had four blockbusters: "Kung Fu Panda 2," ''Thor," ''Super 8" and "Transformers: Dark of the Moon."

? Tuesday: The Walt Disney Co. says revenue at its movie studio was almost unchanged from a year ago at $1.63 billion, which was less than the $1.77 billion analysts expected. The Marvel superhero epic "The Avengers" helped boost profit in the segment. Studio profits jumped to $313 million from $49 million a year ago. The company says upbeat ticket sales to movies such as "The Avengers" and "Brave" were offset by fewer sales of DVD and Blu-ray discs. Prominent home video titles during the quarter included "John Carter" and "The Muppets."

? Wednesday: News Corp. says revenue at its 20th Century Fox movie studio revenue fell 14 percent to $1.74 billion, due to tough comparisons against the box office success of "Rio" last year.

? Thursday: Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. says it lost $44.2 million in the April-June period, reversing a profit from a year ago, as it booked higher marketing costs to release movies such as "The Hunger Games." Lions Gate released five movies in theaters in the quarter, up from just one a year ago, and it has yet to benefit from home video sales of "The Hunger Games," which goes on sale on DVD and Blu-ray on Aug. 18. The company says two-thirds of the profitability of "The Hunger Games" is still ahead.


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