Wednesday, August 1, 2012

London Olympic Games Village -not Much Better Than Indian ...

We are not alone at top when mismanagement comes. Indian citizens and foreigners had a bad impression of Indian management system during Common Wealth Games 2010 when the rooms of Games Village which were meant for the athletes that were going to participate in the games were found shockingly filthy. But as an Indian if you are still sinking your head between your knees because of the mismanagement during Common Wealth Games 2010, its time you can take some breath of relief as Games Village of London Olympics is also not perfect. Every other day we are listening and reading the complaints which are made about the Games Village of London Olympics 2012. Do you remember what the main complaints about Common Wealth Games 2010 were?

First of all, the rooms which were provided for athletes at Common Wealth Games in Delhi were extremely filthy. Wash basins and shower places had awful stains of chewed betel leaves. If you talk about hygienic condition of these rooms, one of the beds in these rooms had paw marks of stray dogs. Some of the bathroom floors of the accommodation near Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium were covered with urine and rain water. Exposed cables and open pits are not new for Delhi but it was not expected in Games Village, still these were there too. Many of the participating nations had complained that these rooms allotted to the athletes in Common Wealth Games 2010 were not fit for human habitation. Terrorist attack was always hovering over the Common Wealth Games 2010 venue but army had to work in the construction part. It built 95-metre-long Bailey Bridge as the construction work was much delayed and some of the construction sites were flooded with rain water as well. Buy exclusive images of Common Wealth Games 2010 that show the height of mismanagement during the event.

Now if you are feeling ashamed of these facts, do not worry, it seems like the pressure of holding a sporting event of this magnitude does all the chaos and that results in series of shortcomings. If we talk about London Olympics Games village it is all the same. First of all the size of the beds was the main issue. The beds in London Olympics Games Village are very tiny and are suitable for only athletes who are 58 or smaller. How athletes are supposed to perform well if they are unable to get a sound sleep during the training time? There were transportation complaints too and recently there emerged the toilet trouble.

This is a new kind of trouble that is forcing athletes to change their whole schedule. In London Olympics Games village athletes have to line up to use the toilets as every fourth and sometimes sixth athlete is sharing one bathroom there. Athletes are getting stressed and it has become a really serious matter now. Even a boxer who had also participated in Commonwealth Games in New Delhi said that the facilities in the rooms which were provided to them during Common Wealth Games 2010 were comparatively much better. You can buy latest news images to know more about the complaints of the participants of London Olympics 2012. The games are starting from 27th of July and will continue till 12th of August 2012. Lets wait and watch how many more issues emerge till the end of the Olympic Games.


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